Hi, I'm Cade.
Art Director | Designer | Illustrator | Etc.
I've been obsessed with creating ever since I could hold a pen. Growing up, I filled notepad after notepad with doodles. In school, I'd constantly get written up for doodling all over my worksheet margins; I swear, I was still listening. Mostly. Whether it was drawing, painting, or building weird inventions from household objects, I was always most fulfilled when being creative.

Fast forward many years later – I did the art school thing, got my BFA, and landed my first design job. 12+ years of professional agency/studio experience later... I'm still doodling, only now I don't get in trouble for it.

Currently, I'm working as a freelancer with a focus in Visual Identity, Creative Direction, and Illustration. But I enjoy other stuff as well: advertising, content ideation, fine arts, copywriting, naming, storyboarding, photography, retouching, video direction, set design, print design, interior design, packaging, animation, hand-lettering, etc. Basically, if it's something creative or involves some sort of creative problem-solving, chances are, I'll take a swing at it. I'd love to be your creative partner and help take your business, band, restaurant, service, idea, or whatever to the next level! Together, we'll bring some impactful and attention-grabbing ideas to life.

Click that little mail button down there. Or send me a carrier pigeon.
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